Monday, June 17, 2013

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: No Applause From the Chiefs

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: No Applause From the Chiefs
“We finally strengthened our laws to protect against crimes driven by hate. This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are. It’s the right thing to do. “
– President Barack Obama, State of the Union, January 27, 2010

President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, Jan. 27, 2010
In the post-​​game analysis of the State of the Union address on ABC, George Stephanopoulos made a point of replaying the stone-​​faced reaction from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, when their Commander-​​in-​​Chief announced his intention to push for action in Congress to end discrimination against gays in the military.
[ABC also read a lot into Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s reaction to President Obama’s attack on the recent SCOTUS decision on campaign finance law, but that’s another story.]
Many people have forgotten was the original intent of the of the 1993 DA/​DT “compromise” was not to enshrine discrimination, but to come to an accommodation that recognized the reality that tens of thousands of homosexuals serve in our armed forces, with distinction and dedication.  And the idea was to allow that to continue, so long as they kept their sex lives private.   Instead the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law that was supposed to allow gays to serve honorably and be protected from “witch hunts” was perverted into a vehicle for continuing to drum out well-​​qualified servicemen and women — not because of their conduct, but solely because of their sexual orientation.
Joint Chiefs of Staff, State of the Union, ABC News
But back to the Chiefs.  As Barack Obama said he would attempt to fulfill his campaign pledge to lift the ban on gays by working with congress, the Joint Chiefs, lead by Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, were an island of stoic non-​​reaction surrounded by a sea of applause.   While the four-​​stars kept their hands uniformly folded on their laps, their civilian boss Robert Gates was on his feet applauding HIS boss, President Obama.
And that, by the way, is exactly how it should be.  The nation’s top military advisors are not the Joint CHEERLEADERS of Staff.  It is not their role to publicly applaud or deride the political policies of the civilian leadership.   Their job is to salute smartly, and carry out their orders.  If they feel the President, or other civilian leaders, are charting a disastrous course, they have the duty to tell them privately, and to even resign if they cannot faithfully implement those polices in good conscience.
Robert Gates, Defense Secretary, Jan 27, 2010
Adm. Mullen, the senior advisor, has already indicated he’s ready to support the change, if and when Congress acts.  Although he has made pretty clear through his actions and tepid words of support, that he feels he has bigger problems on his plate at the moment.   But the President has spoken.  His commanders know which way the wind is blowing, and its time to think about setting an example of non-​​discrimination, from the top of the chain of command.
Defense Secretary Gates has ready been looking for a way to ease the ban, but it’s not easy.   The law is pretty clear.  Back when President Clinton first took office in 1992, discrimination against gays was a Pentagon policy, not a Congressionally mandated law-​​of-​​the land.   The UCMJ simply stated, “Homosexuality is incompatible with military service.”   When President Clinton tried to acknowledge the reality that was demonstrably untrue, he was outmaneuvered by opponents on Capitol Hill and ended up with a law that boxed in the Pentagon for almost two decades.
This SHOULD be the year that changes.  But with dysfunctional Senate that no longer operates on a simple majority vote for anything, who knows if 60 votes can be found?
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R White · 176 weeks ago
I once was a D.I. and I do not understand how you going to do this, are all the soldiers going to be in one room that is gays and nongays if that is the case.Why should we let all the gays have fun. Why not put some females in the room to so everyone can have fun. When are you all going to understand its best not to ask and don"t tell. Not to many years ago you all order that all soldiers be train together that is males and females all this did was to lower the standards for all. Thank god you all stop that. And yes Females can do any Job a male can do, and some females can be 11B that is infantry.
Dave · 176 weeks ago
Hope · 176 weeks ago
When will people wake up, and realize the homosexual society is relentlessly trying to cram their lifestyle down everyones throat. Why does it have to be broadcasted to everyone in the first place? Keep it to themselves and get on with life! Can't they just do their jobs and keep their sex lives to themselves?
1 reply · active 175 weeks ago
Casey · 175 weeks ago
The homosexual society is NOT "try to cram their lifestyle down" ANYONE's throat. They just want to have the civil rights given to other US citizens. They aren't asking anyone to be gay or listen to how their nights with their partners go.
Sex life is easy to keep to one's self but imagine being in love with someone and not being able to display that publicly, whether it be holding hands or just openly saying that you and this person are a couple, in fear of being publicly humiliated by receiving a dishonorable discharge from your job? Imagine having to keep your whole life a secret from peers. It's not an easy thing to deal with.
Moe · 175 weeks ago
I would like to know what current First Sergeants think of the proposed policy? More specifically, how would assigning personnel to bays, dorms, or rooms be handled?
Jim · 175 weeks ago
As a retired Master Chief Petty Officer I have dealt with this issue during two liberal political administrations:
the Clinton and now Obama. Going from a complete ban on Gays in the Military to "don't ask don't tell" under the Clinton effort to the current proposal under the current administation. I am in complete agreement with the comments of Hope entered earlier.

My comments are directed to Admiral mullins, who is quoted in the news today as saying that he personally
believes that Gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military. This was expressed as his personal views. It is unfortunate that the senior U.S. Military officer doesn,t understand that he doesn't have a personal opinion while he is sereving in his current capacity. He is also the senior representative for the millions of sailors serving in the Navy. The press is asking the wrong people about this issue. Ask the people who will have to deal with the indignities that undesired sexual advances will bring to young men for whom homosexuality is so repugnant.
Ranger · 175 weeks ago
True homosexuals cannot reproduce. Therefore Nature selects them for extiction. This abnormal behavior can not be legislated to normality.
SPC Moody · 175 weeks ago
lets ban blacks as well
Casey · 175 weeks ago
When women were first introduced into the military by The Women's Armed Services Act of 1948, men were appalled because they thought that women were unfit for combat and that the presence of females would cause sexual issues amongst the men. However, in the case United States v. Virginia, the Supreme Court even said women deserve "equal opportunity to aspire, achieve, participate in and contribute to society.” And so women became an active part of the US Military and I think we can all agree the females have proven themselves much more worthy than anyone could have imagined. I have no doubt that homosexuals will eventually do the same.
abundt · 175 weeks ago
I spent 20 years on act duty retiring as a SGM, I was NEVER in a unit that didn;t have some gays or what I called Bisexuals. I never cared or for that mater was remotely interested in if someone was gay. I was interested in how they did their job and rsponded to orders. There is no sex allowed on missions or in barracks those that do that are punished for disobeying orders. this doesn't matter if the persons are male/female partners or female/female or male/male. They are not permitted to participate so whats the change? I am 67 and a retired psychologist and still havenot figured out why anyone would announce their sexual preference unless they are prospecting for partners. Most people are just not interested. I used to say offpost when someone asked,: Sorry Taken" good luck I have a wife
William Geitz · 175 weeks ago
In my 27 years of naval service including two commands, It appears to me that once again the politicians are using the military to conduct a social experiment. In the early days we were all accused of being prejudiced towards blacks, then *****-mongers when dealing with woman in the Navy. No doubt, as in the past, personnel will be judged to be homophobes. However, I fear that this action will form a victim-class whose presence within the military will disrupt the moral of the troops and whose treatment as a special class of service people will mark them for special treatment with regard to promotions, assignments, and evaluations. Likewise it will further a new form of political correctness within the command structure. Remember Fort Hood.

Admiral Mullen should resign instead of standing side-by-side with others who have no clue what leadership is about and who see the military as just another tool in their quest for political power.
gib warner · 173 weeks ago
I don't know if I worked with a Gay or Lesbian..Probably did..I do know that I HAVE in the civillian world of Firefighting, EMS, and Police, hell, Walmart too...So what's the big deal? All that I've worked with didn't do anything but their JOB!!! We even joked about it!!! My favorate comes from one of my Captains of a fire dept. in Columbus,Ohio....What's a ***got look like? Looked in your mirror today didn't ya! LOL... HE,LET ALONE OTHER GAYS,LESBIANS,AND BI'S SHOWED ME THE ERROR OF EVERYONE!!! IN BATTLE, FIRE'S,WHATEVER, THEY'RE JUST AS GOOD AS ME IF NOT BETTER!!! I SAY LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!LET THEM HAVE THE RIGHT TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY WITHOUT RIDICULE..NO BS!

Semper-fi · 164 weeks ago
Lets get this wrapped up. So I can get on with my life!!!

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