Monday, June 17, 2013

The Sarah Palin Experiment

The Sarah Palin Experiment

Going “Rogue” or “Rouge,” is Sarah Palin still crack cocaine to the blogosphere?

Get a fact check on “Going Rogue” from  AP
I was over at the Washington Post the other day, talking to Chris Cillizza , author of one of the Post’s most successful political blogs, “The Fix”.
We were discussing what makes a blog successful, and whether the “quantitative” measures or “qualitative” measures were more significant.

It turns out that some blog topics are such hot button issues they generate a lot of comment, debate, reaction whether or not they actually have much new to say.
And he said the prime example of that is Sarah Palin.   Anything he writes about Sarah Palin, no matter how innocuous is a pretty much a guaranteed numbers generator.
So I though I would try an experiment by posting an item about Sarah Palin, including a link to her new book, “Going Rogue,” and its “evil twin” a new book by her detractors, entitled “Going Rouge.”  (You have to read those titles carefully.)
I see the Washington Post is using the very same formula itself today with a front page Style section story, [Palin as politically charged lightning rodWashington Post, Oct 3, 2009] which then of course Cillizza “tweeted” about
Cillizza Tweet
And what, you may ask, is MY opinion about Sarah Palin? That will have to wait for a follow-up story.  But what’s yours?

Do you care what I think about Sarah Palin?
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Sorry Jamie, don't mean to be down on you and all that, but Sarah Palin and all her vacuous vitriol are distractions from the real news that I want. Any coverage of her typically gets a window closed pretty rapidly. Because this blog is yours, I am taking the time to actually comment.

Jamie · 188 weeks ago
It's just an experiment. I don't plan to turn this into the Sarah Palin blog..
Joan Doniger · 188 weeks ago
she's catnip! I don't agree with her -- but I can't keep away from anything written about her.
Larry · 188 weeks ago
I don't care about her so much I voted twice.

Yes, why is it that you can put Sarah Palin or Boobs in the title and draw a crowd? I do think that she means well but just does not have the gravitas to bring to a conversation. I hope that she and her family can soon return to Alaska to try to put their lives back together. That guy Levi will soon be reduced to appearing in porn movies and trying to make money off of the Palin family.
Nate · 188 weeks ago
Not newsworthy. Why is this posted on OMFG.... the places her name pops up.
George · 188 weeks ago
Huh, wha.....sorry, I fell asleep there for a minute.....(yawn)....
JakeBudro · 188 weeks ago
why so much worry about this, what ever she calls herself. something has to be very wrong for her to step down from that #1 job she had. while you are doing all of the talking about her why don't you find out what really mad this president want a be stepped down? she is one of the biggest reason that she isn't vice president now.
Old_Rat · 188 weeks ago
interesting how sarah gets so much interest-
is people that scared of her they generate negitive comments.
Bill · 188 weeks ago
Hhhhhhmmmmmm ...... this is, with her familiarity with things that are dysfunctional, maybe SHE can get rid of the M-4.
Bernard B Beam · 188 weeks ago
Sarah Palin is a woman of integrity and moral fiber, the candidate to beat in 2012! She may seem inexperienced but look at the buffoon that got elected in 2008!! The media focuses on her seeming inabilities, but what her strengths? Honesty, morality, fortitude, and courage!
2 replies · active 188 weeks ago
Bill_C · 188 weeks ago
I remember watching the VP debate between Cheney and Lieberman and telling my wife, "These are the smart guys. Why are the other two boobs at the top of the ticket?".

I thought the same thing after hearing Sarah Palin speak after the convention.

There you go CharlesHouston Palin and Boobs in the same comment ;)

Long live Obama, Biden would be much worse!
AgentOrangy · 188 weeks ago
Long live......umm, the guysfrom 23 ;P
Agnet Orangy · 188 weeks ago
Honesty? LOL I smell a parasite...
rasheri · 188 weeks ago
Impeach Obama
Dr Richard Biek · 188 weeks ago
If more Sarah stories get impeach Obama comments, bring them on!
NeoConVet · 188 weeks ago
Palin is an interesting American! Even if she is perceived as lacking "gravitas"... she does express the views of many Americans. On the other hand when you look at the likes of many we have in Congress, the theft, graft, money laundering, tax cheating, vote buying Politcal Hacks.... I think Palin is a breath of fresh air!

I have to wonder about the vitrol thrown her way....and why so many are afraid of her ideas and expressed wishes for the country!!
Agent Orangy · 188 weeks ago
LOL The views being she'd make a wonderful housewife....
Agnet Orangy · 188 weeks ago
Unfortunately,for you number 23's.....we're all so afraid of such wonderful ideas such as death panels, riots, and quitting, etc...
Agnet Orangy · 188 weeks ago
And yes, we know WHAT and who you are, do you want more troops or less troops? Petraeus and McChrystal want an answer....
Alistair · 188 weeks ago
Why are so many Americans so anti-Palin? From my point of view she has more upstairs and ability than your present President. She at least ran a State, doing it well by the sounds of it. She stated what she was going to do with the present problems, Obama stated moderate sounding policys and in fact seems further to the left than expected.
You should not be frightened of her she sounds a reasonable bet in your next election
Danangboy · 188 weeks ago
Palin seems to be interested in one thing - making money, ie book, speaking(that's a misnomer) and appearing on Faux Lies. It's nice to know we have a very smart Commander-in-Chief who is making a well thought out decision on Afgahnistan rather than a quick draw cowboy decision.
She's Charming · 184 weeks ago
Left wingers have to create a title of a book to deceive a purchaser; fill it with all the articles of hate they printed during the election cycle and have the gall to call Palin out at unqualified. Question: should the republicans have done the same thing to Obama? No, they still have some dignity. Yes, the radicals still want a birth certificate, but we are talking about the MSM calling out a VP selection with the intent to destroy, not report. This book is full of Alinsky tactics. Not worth picking up. It is merely a complilation of puke.
Bill · 184 weeks ago
Alistair and others: where is your common sense? Sarah Palin is not qualified to even be a horse holder let alone VP. She has absolutely no qualifications, and lets get real here, Governor of Alaska is really not much as the state more or less runs itself. Even still, she quit that for no apparent reason.
I blame John McCain for Sarah's problems. He knew right along how things would be but he didn't care. He did not want to really be elected president, he just wanted to plunge a stick into the eye of the republican party for not electing him years earlier. Sarah is a victim here and I think she realizes that and has decided to look out fot number one first, her family. The morons who are pushing her to run in 2012 have no idea what it takes to be president and would vote for anyone who they think is like them. And people "like them" should not be in political office.

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